Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) was established with the purpose of uniting and binding the Nepali Diaspora under one umbrella on 11 October 2003. In the course of completing 18 years of its existence NRNA has developed into a non-governmental global organization and a network of Nepali origin by establishing National Coordination Council (NCC) in 82 countries to represent its interests, concerns and commitments. Wherever we Nepalese may go or settle, whichever nationality we may possess, we never forget our land of origin, the land which holds our identity and soul. We rejoice in the achievement of our beloved country and her people and are disheartened by their sufferings and failures. Our belief: “Once a Nepali you always remain a Nepali”, is reinforced by our commitment to streamline our energy and resources for the transformation of the Nepali society. It is the duty and responsibility of every nation to promote, represent and safe guard the welfare of its nationals or people of its origin having foreign nationality and this will ultimately be in the interest of the nation. The national interest that can be fulfilled by the Diasporas has not been hidden from the international arenas. The network of Nepali Diaspora represented by NRNA has developed itself into a formidable force that can represent Nepali interest globally.
NRNA UK England State Coordination Council (NRNA UK SCC – England) was establishing with the purpose of uniting and binding Nepalese Diaspora together in one umbrella on 2019. Since established we serve our Nepalese communities in the UK ensuring active engagement and contribution from millions of non-resident Nepalese towards the development, prosperity and socio-economic growth of our motherland Nepal. The committee played a pivotal role in aligning essential resources, both financial and technical including but not limited to the deployment of talents from multi-national organizations, leadership and skilled-resources to implement robust plans, policies and programmers to support the development of Nepal. England is considered as the birthplace of the NRNA movement, which was an outcome of the historic conference in 2005. England is home to thousands of Nepalese communities and successful Diaspora’s engaged in broad spectrum of professions, opportunities and businesses. With over 200 years of Nepal-Britain relations, UK is the home to our proud Gurkha soldiers. Their contributions have created an incomparable respect for the Nepalese in the British society.
State coordination council England is actively involving to achieve the objectives and goal of NRN. The current executive committee under the leadership of Lal Bahadur Gurung is involving to promote cultural heritage like ‘Nepali Mela’, ‘Deusi Bhailo Program’ Coordination with Embassy of Nepal, help and support Gurkha issues, other attractive programs to make more aware Nepalese people from Covid-19, common British general and common rules, and pragmatic educational programs. We want to involve professionals and business people and journalist to popularize NRN with in Nepali communities.
In United Kingdom, we Nepalese people are living spreading around different cities and town. We came here from different Sectors: Most of us are from British Gurkha Army, other came for work permit, some came for study, some came for High Skill Manpower and rest migrated from Europium countries as well as for business directly. We are tingling up with various our own ethnic community organizations for our common benefits. Most of us are associated with Non-Residential Nepalese Association (NRNA).

Strategic Goals:
NRN is encompassing all Nepalese who are migrating other countries. NRNA has various hierarchies, like: International Coordination Council (ICC), National Coordination Council (NCC), and State Coordination Council (SCC) And County Council. County Council (CC) is the local level organization structure of NRNA.
The Strategic Goals of NRNA is to unite and bring Nepali residing all over the world under one umbrella; protect and promote their interest in and outside Nepal and utilize their potentials and resources for the welfare of Nepal. To achieve these objectives the association shall conduct the following activities:
- Promote and protect the rights and interest of Nepalese residing outside Nepal
- Establish a global network and a common platform for Nepalese Diaspora
- Attract and facilitate NRNs investment including foreign direct investment (FDI) for economic and social development of Nepal
- Promote tourism and preserve Nepali culture and heritage globally
- Mobilize the knowledge, skills, capital and other resources within the disposal of NRNs for the socio economic development of Nepal.
Strategic Objectives:
To achieve our objectives and goal we are working from the different division from NCC. On the bases of organization structure SCC England is actively involving with the Nepalese people living in England. Though the NRNA UK was establish in 2003 the State Coordination Council was established in 2019 and in the same time Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland had also started their state coordination council structure.
- Institutionalization and financial sustainability of NRNA
- Continuation of Nepali Citizenship (CNC)
- Promote and support fair and equitable rights of Nepali migrant workers
- Promote and engage in sustainable social impact activities for the best interest of the greater communities in Nepal
- Develop strong network of NCCs
- Develop connectivity and network of youth Diaspora
- Identify and promote investments in Nepal that are of national interest and give social benefits
- Promote and mobilize investments in Nepal
- Lobby with the Government for investment friendly policies
- Promote Nepal internationally through NRNA networks
- Advocate the government of Nepal to build good governance and sustainability in the area of tourism
- Promote NRNs and foreign investment for sustainable tourism development
- Indentify NRNA, skills, knowledge, innovation and capital
- Develop connectivity and network of entrepreneurs within and outside Nepal
Strategic Value:
- Promote and support fair and equitable rights of Nepali migrant workers.
- To promote Nepalese cultural heritage. Run awareness campaigns etc.
- Promote NRNs and foreign investment for sustainable tourism development
- Indentify NRNA, skills, knowledge, innovation and capital
- Develop connectivity and network of entrepreneurs within and outside Nepal